Bought Two, One Died in Three Days

I bought two of these, because the price was so good, a week later, after only being used for 3 days, one died. Just up and unmounted itself in the phone, and nothing can be done to bring it back to life. Tried in multiple devices, used multiple card readers, even multiple operating systems. The card simply refuses to show up, it’s like it’s not there at all. Interestingly enough, other retailers put this same model card on sale at the same time. I suspect Samsung knew there was a problem with them and decided to ‘dump’ them. I am headed back to the store today to see about a replacement. And I am keeping my fingers crossed that the other one doesn’t have the same problem in the near future. A cheap price is no consolation for a piece of junk that is not fit to be used in the first place! I actually did recommend these to some friends when they went on sale, I’m glad now no one took my advice on buying them, since there is a chance they would not have been any happier than I am right now!

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